Thank you for your interest in KoreMe Anti-aging and Aesthetics Group LLC, a company that provides medical services for Hormonal Deficiency, Nutritional Analysis/Consulting and Laboratory testing. Individuals seek our medical treatments to replace hormones to improve overall health.
Before KoreMe can provide HRT, KoreMe requires the following:
- Acceptable results of laboratory tests.
- Verification of access to a primary care physician with whom you have had recent (within the preceding 12 months) physical examination (copy of the physical exam report is required).
- An office visit or a video call with a KoreMe physician.
- Completion of all KoreMe paperwork.
Often individuals who are referred to us have previously received or are currently using medications from other physicians who may or may not follow the same medical evaluation or treatment protocols as we do. In some cases, where inappropriate medications, dosages levels or protocols were provided, an individual’s health may have been jeopardized. KoreMe and its staff, including Medical Directors, affiliated physicians, physician’s extenders take no responsibility and assume no liability for an individual’s participation in any prior programs. KoreMe does not use or condone the use of performance enhancement protocols or cyclical hormone therapies.
By signing this Waiver, you are holding KoreMe Anti-aging and Aesthetics Group LLC (its employees, physicians, agents and associates) harmless for any damages and liability including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and costs at all levels of trail and appeal related to health issues that are present, or may arise in the future from previous (whether disclosed or undisclosed to KoreMe) HRT therapies, medications or protocols.
I have read, understand and agree to the statements, waivers and disclosures in this document.